Cherokee Nation |
OFFICIAL WEB SITE : Headquartered near Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The Cherokee Nation was originally located over a broad territory covering much of what is now the southeastern United States. In 1838 under the direction of President Andrew Jackson, the Cherokees were forcibly removed from their lands in what is now remembered as the infamous Trail of Tears.
The Cherokee Nation has produced an excellent web site, especially for those interested in tribal current events as well as cultural information.
Eastern Band of Cherokee |
OFFICIAL WEB SITE : Headquartered in Cherokee, North Carolina.
Some Cherokees defied the United States government and refused to leave their native lands choosing instead to hide in the wilderness of the Blue Ridge mountains. Although technically not a federal reservation, Cherokee, NC is located in the center of a recognized land trust known as the Qualla Boundary.
The Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation has produced a very good web site with general information on cultural events as well as its gaming endeavors.
Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee |
OFFICIAL WEB SITE : Headquartered in Cumming, Georgia.
At one time, Georgia had perhaps the single largest population concentration of Cherokees within any of the modern recognized political boundaries of the United States. Most of the Cherokees that remain today are descended from ancestors that inter-married with white settlers and therefore were not forced to relocate. The Georgia Tribe of the Eastern Cherokee is the only officially recognized tribe by the State of Georgia and is currently petitioning for federal recognition.
The Georgia Tribe of the Eastern Cherokee has produced a very good historical reference web site and is developing resources to aid those trying to research their genealogical roots.
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